Set to his most beloved songs, it's the epic musical story of his fantastical transformation from shy piano prodigy to international superstar. Caught in the chaos of city life, Jude and his friends, E. Young Reginald Dwight (Taron Egerton) changes his name to Elton John and collaborates with singer-songwriter Bernie Taupin (Jamie Bell) to become one of the most iconic figures in pop history. Set in the 1980s, following tragedy, teenage Jude moves from Vermont to New York City to live with his father in the punk-fueled East Village. Rocketman is an epic musical fantasy about the incredible human story of Elton John’s breakthrough years. All it entails is the removal of Armand’s collection, furnishings, clothes, job. With the impending visit of his fiancee’s rigid family, Val asks his father to straighten up the apartment just a bit. A visit to the future in-laws could be just the thing to take the public’s focus off the Keeleys’ messy predicament. 5 The Male Gaze: Celluloid Dreams (2021). The senator is watching his right-wing constituency evaporate with the scandalous demise of his closest political ally. When the gay couple adopts a child and it makes headline news, their families. Watch Gay Films Online at FilmDoo French Touch: Desires (2021). Meanwhile, Senator Keeley (Gene Hackman) and his wife (Dianne Wiest) are facing bigger problems.